C and Z Purlin

In any building, barn or warehouse, the structural engineering of the roof is integral. Every roof needs a framework that will support the loads applied – without it there is nothing for the roofing sheets or roof tiles to rest on which could result in deflection. This is what makes purlins such an important part of every roof structure.


Purlins are beams that can be used to create a building framework to support the weight of roofing sheets or wall cladding sheets attached. Some roof purlins are made of wood, however, galvanized steel purlins offer additional benefits including durability, cost and structural length.

At Dependable Steel we manufacture a combination of C purlins and Z purlins. When combined, our galvanized steel purlins provide a complete structural solution ready for roofing and side cladding.

  • C SECTION PURLINS are designed to form the walls and floor joists of a building shell structure, making them ideal for supporting beams needed for mezzanine flooring.
  • Z PURLINS are horizontal beams that are designed to form the roof and wall joists of a buildings shell structure. By sitting between the roofing sheets and the building, they act as a support for the sheet to ensure it is firmly attached and secured safely in position.


Purlins allow you to safely attach roof and wall cladding sheets to any building. By installing purlins, you create a framework that supports the weight of the metal sheeting and applies this pressure onto the building structure to create a stable and steady building for many years to come.

Installing roof purlins has never been easier. At Dependable steel we supply both C purlins and Z purlins up to 3 MM thicknesses. We can roll grade G450 material as well. we can be manufacture to your precise requirements and to help you successfully install your purlins and safely secure your roofing solutions, we’ll also supply them un-drilled or with pre-drilled horizontal or Vertical holes of various sizes


As well as being used to support your roof and wall cladding, steel purlins can also be used to support mezzanine floor constructions.

Mezzanine flooring is manufactured from steel using a combination of beams and purlins to create additional space without any major and expensive construction work. Similarly, to your roofing sheets and wall cladding sheets, purlins transfer the loads imposed on the flooring onto the primary beams to provide a safe and structural framework.


At Dependable Steel Cladding we manufacture your steel purlins to specific requirements; lengths, widths and gauge required. Send us your enquiry on Sales@smi.ae